Updated: 2020-05-11 Version 19.0.1
Apr 14, 2019 Friend on the page of Star Wars The Old Republic Online, since you see that you can play on Mac, but when I download and show me the files, it does not appear the installer, just the files but it seems that I need another application for How open the game on Mac? Mac; Games; Role-Playing; Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic for Mac. The Download Now link directs you to the Apple Mac App Store, where you can. Play Star Wars: The Old Republic and be the hero of your own Star Wars saga in a story-driven massively-multiplayer online game from BioWare and LucasArts.
Note: This does not work on Mac OSX 10.15 (macOS Catalina). It will work on anything <10.15 and Linux
- Cross Over 18 - Does not work with any earlier versions
Step by Step
Star Wars Old Republic Free To Play
- Click on [Install a Windows Application]
- Type 'Star Wars' and select the installer for 'Star Wars: The Old Republic'
- Start the Install process and go through the install of all the Microsoft and Third Party components.
- DO NOT START THE GAME at the end of the CrossOver Install.
- Finish the install so that CrossOver installs and sets up the Installer.
- start 'Star Wars - the Old Republic', the program will start and close down a few times while the installer updates. When you are prompted with to Log-In.
- Close the Installer . When it completes updating.
- Note: You might have to force it close
- Right Click on the Bottle and Open thew C Drive, and navigate to 'Program Files (x86) Electronic Arts BioWare Star Wars - The Old Republic' folder.
- Look for file called launcher.settings and open it with a text editor of your choice.
- Search for 'PatchingMode' if it exists modify it:
- From: 'PatchingMode': '{ 'swtor': 'BR' }'
- To: 'PatchingMode': '{ 'swtor': 'SSN'}'
- If it does not exist add to the end of the XML
,'PatchingMode': '{ 'swtor': 'SSN'}' - 'bitraider_disable': 'true'
- Search for 'bitraider_disable'
- If it exists change it from: 'bitraider_disable': 'false'
- To 'bitraider_disable': 'true'
- If it does not exist then add it to the end of the XML or as a new line with
, 'bitraider_disable': 'true'
- Search for 'PatchingMode' if it exists modify it:
- After you finish editing, and saving the file
- Start the Game ... this time everything should work.
Trouble Shooting
A. Any Screen problems (Black Graphics / Maps Not Showing Up / something to do with Video)
Swtor Mac Client
- Before you start the game (if you have the game running shut it down)
- Right Click on the SWTOR Bottle (Whatever you named it).
- Select 'Settings'
- Uncheck 'Performance Enhanced Graphics
- Restart The Game
- If the black characters still persist make sure you are running the LATEST version of CrossOver. (this was tested and working on 18.0.0 MAC)
- If it still persists, you might want to set the settings to the LOWEST resolution possible within the game.
- If you still have problems you can try the Memory Fix (In the TIPS section as well).